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It’s Time To Shatter This Myth

Zakat is not complicated.

It’s just that you’ve never been taught about it properly.

When it comes to the 5 pillars it’s arguably the one we talk about the least, which is crazy.

Because when you see just how many times it’s mentioned in the Quran,

And when you know that Abu Bakr (R.A) went to war with a group of renegades for denying the Zakat,

Then you have to ask yourself… “why have I not learned about this pillar of Islam properly?”

It’s time to get our biggest financial obligation in check, and that starts with the right knowledge.

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We All Realize
How Important Zakah Is.

That it’s a pillar of the religion and mentioned many times throughout the Quran, most of the time connected to the salah!

We know Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, declared war on Muslims, which eventually led to them being declared apostates because they refused to give zakat.

And that it is from the most fundamental tools that we have to look after not just the poor, but the needy.

Understanding the Islamic vision of zakah to support the needy will enable you with the confidence to expand beyond the purely destitute and give to those who have a right to it.

Because they have a right to it, it is their haqq.

Zakah isn’t just a right of Allah, it is a right of the people.

So you’re not just being held accountable by Allah but you also being held accountable by the people who are deserving of it. Because it is actually their money.

That’s why it’s so important that we ensure that we’re fulfilling that duty properly.

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Who Is This
Seminar For?

This seminar is to answer the hundreds of questions that we have about the money in our saving accounts, pension funds, retirement funds, investment accounts and much more.

From brick and mortar stores to virtual shops, from hard cash to digital currencies, the way we interact with money continues to change at a rapid pace, it’s important that you know what Allah will ask you about regarding this great pillar of Islam.

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Sh Abu Eesa

Shaykh Abu Eesa Niamatullah has taught the fiqh of Zakah throughout the world for over a decade.  He combines experience, ‘ilm, and a modern understanding with an application that is unique and utterly relevant. His teaching style of intense discussion and constant back and forth with students has made him treasured by our student body as one of our most passionate, knowledgeable, and quick-witted senior instructors. 

Born in London, England, he studied both Pharmacy at the University of Manchester, then Anthropology, and then later studied Arabic, Islamic Law, and Qur’an with its memorization from scholars in a diverse array of locations in the East and West. His time spent with many different teachers has led to a real variety of experiences and depth in the Islamic Sciences which are so famously expressed in Shaykh AE’s multi-dimensional da’wah and teachings.

Shaykh Abu Eesa previously served as the Resident Scholar of Cheadle Masjid in South Manchester, yet still continues to teach Fiqh weekly there as part of our onsite + online initiative known as “Logical Progression.” He was the previous Resident Scholar of the 1st Ethical Charitable Trust in Bolton, an organization dedicated to civic engagement and Islamic legal and financial education. He is also the Vice-Chair of the Al-Qalam Sharī‘ah Panel, the UK’s premier fatwa body for legal and financial concerns.

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Feb 24 & 25

2-Day Virtual

10AM – 2 PM (New York/EST)
3PM – 7PM (London/GMT)


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