When you really know Allah, your prayers, your dua, your daily life will not be the same…
And of the best ways to know Him is to deeply understand His beautiful names and attributes.
When you really know Allah, your prayers, your dua, your daily life will not be the same…
And of the best ways to know Him is to deeply understand His beautiful names and attributes.
This course combines theology, incredible spirituality, captivating storytelling, and immediate practicality. Learn about a Beautiful Name of Allah, raise your hands, and call upon Him by it!
Let’s be honest, none of us could have foreseen the past three years. But challenges are an opportunity for us to come closer to Allah, to invoke Him and come near to Him. A pandemic unleashed on the Earth to be healed by Al-Shafi. Millions without work in need of Ar-Razaaq, families dealing with anxiety that can only be soothed by Al-Wakeel. This is the time for more du’a, not less, and knowing Allah’s Names is a powerful tool.
Shaykh Ammar AlShukry hails from Sudan via Queens New York. Dual Bachelors in Islamic Studies and Marketing. A Director at AlMaghrib and Imam at Clear Lake Islamic Center. He is the author of the poetry collection “What the Pen Wrote: The Collected Poems of Ammar AlShukry”.